Sunday, June 19, 2011

So many people today get down and discouraged because they only focus on their present circumstances. They’re constantly dwelling on their problems, what they don’t have, and what’s wrong with them. They don’t realize it, but they’re allowing the enemy to steal their hope. This negative frame of mind is what keeps people from moving forward in life.
Understand today that faith is confidence and assurance about the things we hope for according to the promises of God. Like an arrow, your faith points to the target of hope. If you don’t have hope, that arrow of faith has nothing to aim for. It won’t accomplish anything. But when you keep your hopes up, when you keep expecting and believing, it’s like making that target larger and larger and easier to hit!
Choose today to live with an attitude of expectancy. Don’t focus on your circumstances; focus on your God! Get your hopes up! Take captive every negative thought. As you focus on God’s goodness and faithfulness, you’ll feel that hope inside of you growing. Give your faith a target and move forward confidently in the direction of your dreams!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If you’ve been going through financial difficulties, then it’s time to stop looking at the problem and start seeing yourself blessed.If you’ve been battling sickness and disease, then it’s time to stop dwelling on negative reports and start seeing yourself healed.If you’ve been having relational issues, then it’s time to stop being filled with anger and unforgiveness and start seeing yourself filled with love and joy that you can express to others.If you live this way, you’re going to succeed. You’re going to find victory in everything you do.

A note given to me by a precious friend

Dear jill,I want to encourage you that we serve a big God who wants to do big things in your life. You were created to live blessed and fulfilled! You may not feel this is happening right now but I want you to know, it’s your time to start seeing things change for the better. And the key to this happening is in that one word, “seeing.” Despite what the circumstances around you are saying, you first have to see God at work in your midst. This takes believing and activating your faith. Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see”. What this promise is saying, is that before you see it take place on the outside, you first have to get a picture down on the inside, of what the potential and possibilities are.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Integrity is a powerful attribute in the life of the believer. Integrity means that you are dependable. You are a person of your word. You’re consistent and honest.
You might say, “Oh, I’m a pretty good person. I do the right thing most of the time.” But understand, it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. You can veer off course just a little bit, and before you know it, you’re miles away from your destination. Don’t allow the little things to keep you from your destiny; choose integrity — even when no one is looking. For instance, you might need some paper at home, but you shouldn’t take supplies from the office. Or, you might be running into a store for just a minute, but don’t park in the handicap parking spot unless you’re supposed to. If the checkout clerk makes a mistake and gives you too much money back, that’s not God’s provision, that’s a test of integrity!
Remember, if you’ll be faithful and choose integrity in the little things, God will make you ruler over much. Be a person of integrity and open the door for God’s blessing and honor all the days of your life!