Thursday, September 27, 2012

Living Proud * Living Loud !!!!

{Inspired by the project for September’s Chronic Pain Awareness Month 2012}

I am a person of deep faith. My faith runs proud and it runs loud and brings to my life a constant sense of Hope and Dreams. Having hope allows the possibility of my dreams to sustains me. I have finally found a way to own that.
To Live It Proud,  To Live It Loud. (in my heart)
I believe in the spiritual power of Hopes and Dreams. I believe that keeping Hope alive is as essential to my life as is breathing. The times without hoping for dreams are as dark as they are bleak. Time’s of my past, I know My faith needs to include hope for dreams, and now shines lightness and brilliance.
I am not so naive or such an overly positive person that I do not know things, events, life can get in the way and dampen the lightness & sparkle. There was a time when I believed chronic illness had wiped all those dreams and my hopes away. It was like a light had been switched off suddenly, and life became smothered in darkness.
Without HOPE dreams are useless.
Yet dreams are persistent in some magical way. maybe they never  really do leave you alone. Instead, possibly when the light went out it only shadowed all my dreams, I believe in all possibilities.
With light being what light is, it spilled glancing glows despite myself, showing me that it is I that has been completely unaware, and had turned away; reminding my soul that it is up to me to see and to feel the castings of the small glimmers of hope. “They are there” a reminder from the universe. A reminder glimmering in the shadows.
Possibilities?  Dreams? Hope?
Was it possible that I was not seeing that dreams were still there in the shadowed light? Could it be all along that they have always been right there under my own nose? Just because I was not seeing? Or refusing to admit what I was seeing was real.  Hope & Dreams” as I thought they should be, meaning = I was not seeing them at all. The Should have’s, the could have’s, the what if’s  all got in the way, they have no place in Hope & Dreams,  that is where I became confused.
Listening to my soul is an option. There are no should haves or would haves, there are no what if’s or could be’s.. It just is. That is what my faith is. It’s all, or it’s nothing with soul talk, no more second guessing, the light shines brightly through and I see it.
My eyes are opened wide today. Soul talk is a powerful thing. It takes a leap of great faith to listen to the soul sometimes when it feels frightening. I’d quite rather be frightened with a deep faith in something more powerful than I than to be without. This spirit feeds me, why would  I ever question it?
Today I Live Proud.  I Live Loud.  I Live again with my Hope for Dreams.
Is it possible to think that we’re happy, that we are living our best possible life, and not ever know that there’s so much more out there for us?
Scientist and author Dr. David Hamilton suggests listening to your heart: “Ask yourself, ‘If there were no limits and I had all the resources I wanted, what would I do?’ When we live our passion, life takes on new meaning because what we’re doing is aiming in a particular direction. The first step is really to ask ourselves the above question. The second is to ask, ‘What can I do today that can move me in the direction of living my passion?’ The third is to do it.”
I strongly believe that we all have a particular talent or skill and we are here to use it and share it with the world. Living out our passion, the thing that sets us alight, really makes us shine. This light attracts every perfect and synchronistic opportunity to us and when we are living on purpose, aligning what we are meant to do, to what we actually do,’ then everything falls in to place easily.  When we shine, others will be able to live in the light.
Coach and author Suzy Greaves shares that “Many of us grew up living our lives by someone else’s rules, playing the roles that society demanded we played in order to be 'happy.' We did all the 'right' things, lived by all the 'right' rules. So we can’t understand why we are resentful and exhausted. To start living a passionate life, you need to dig around and start getting back in touch with what you love, what you enjoy and what makes your heart sing.”
It’s really important to know that when it’s right, it will happen. Celebrity hypnotist and author Joseph Clough agrees – it’s about drawing a line in the sand: “We can find our passion by seizing this opportunity. All change starts when we take responsibility for this moment and make the empowering decisions from here on. The crucial first step is to know that we believe in you, to take responsibility, and that now is the time to take inspired action to make this happen today.”
One of the big things that keeps us down is a lack of energy. We’re so drained by our lives, our responsibilities, that we can’t muster the enthusiasm to shake things up. Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach explains that “One of the main problems that most adults struggle with is lack of energy when it comes to pursuing something bigger or better. Rejuvenating ourselves from the inside out can help to boost our energy and enthusiasm for life so that we can seriously entertain our passions. Decide to be healthy, decide to become all that you can be, decide that your life is worth living in its shiniest most exciting version, because you really do get to choose.”
Business coach Laura Leigh Clarke adds that “When you look inside and take note, and then go do fun stuff, you can’t help but run into your passion along the way! When we live our passion we become more of who we are. Bizarre synchronicities happen to make our dreams unfold in the reality in front of us. We have more energy. We attract more people to our cause.”
We are each responsible for our own happiness, for demonstrating what can be done when we shift our beliefs for the better and truly know what living our life on purpose means.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

 Did you know that God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny through His Word. That means you are well able to do what He has called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You can fulfill your dreams! You have the ideas, the creativity, and talent to be successful. You can overcome any obstacle. You’ve been armed with strength for every battle.
Not only has God equipped you, but He is also working on your behalf. He has already gone before you and lined up the right people and the right opportunities. You have everything you need to live a victorious life — you were created to excel!
You may not have seen it in the past, but if you’ll stay in faith, it’s just a matter of time; victory is on its way. Don’t settle where you are. Don’t have a weak, defeated mentality. Have the attitude, “I am anointed. I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome any obstacle. I am empowered by the Creator of the universe, and I am thoroughly equipped for every good work that God has called me to!”
 Help me to stay focused on Your Word and Your plan for me today. Help me to walk in Your anointing so that I can do all You’ve called me to do. I bless You today and every day!!!