Warm weather fosters growth: cold weather destroys it. Thus a man with an unsympathetic temperament has a scant joy: but a man with a warm and friendly heart overflowing blessings, and his beneficence will extend to posterity ~Hung Tzu-Cheng
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!”(1 Chronicles 16:34, AMP)

No matter what is going on in life, you can find a reason to thank God. What you dwell on is what you will draw into your life. You can either focus on your problems, or you can focus on your blessings. The question is: do you want more problems, or do you want more blessings?
One thing I’ve noticed is that when you live with an attitude of constant gratitude, not only do you thank God for what He’s done in your life, you start thanking Him for what He will do in your life. You thank Him for opening doors for you. You thank Him for increasing you. You thank Him for bringing the right people into your life. When you say “thank you” to God for the things that are coming, it’s really a declaration of your faith in Him. You are saying in essence, “God, I’m so sure of Your goodness, I’m so sure that You’re working in my life that I’m going to thank You right now for what You are going to do for me this blessed day!!"
When we trust in His goodness and believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, that pleases His heart so much. So today, have an attitude of gratitude. Let your faith say thank you. Praise Him throughout the day with a humble heart and watch what He will do on your behalf!
In Jesus name Amen!!~ I love you:)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Life never ceases to amaze me with the stops and starts and fades. The moments you are afraid will last forever never do. The ones you wish would never end always do. But that curse is also the blessing that cures.
If only we could know just how long it takes for the wounds to heal while enduring the pain.
We hold tight to the moments fearing what comes next, but all we have is now.
The spiral never stops. Just like the moon above, it wanes & waxes, ebbs and flows.
Grateful for potential beginnings and mourning the inevitable endings. Savoring the taste of now.
If only we could know just how long it takes for the wounds to heal while enduring the pain.
We hold tight to the moments fearing what comes next, but all we have is now.
The spiral never stops. Just like the moon above, it wanes & waxes, ebbs and flows.
Grateful for potential beginnings and mourning the inevitable endings. Savoring the taste of now.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Today do not hesitate to live in a nothing-less-than SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS way. Just look around, look up and look down, look inside and out, find something that makes you exclaim:
I guarantee it will put a smile on your face amid any kind of circumstance. Just as Mary Poppins said, "even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, if you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious!
Life is too short, our days are soon passed, to live it any other way!:):)
All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naïve. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself.
Today, if you will, consider: We are born on this Earth for a purpose. Yes, we are all of one Source, but we also are born of different colors, personalities, and energy. We are born with purpose. We are born with AUTHENTICITY. Is there anything more important in life than to honor the AUTHENTICITY of you? What is your true nature? You are born on this Earth to express your true nature and to allow your light of AUTHENTICITY to shine and cultivate in the Universe. Simply, living a life of AUTHENTICITY is about living truth of heart and soul. In what ways do you allow the guidance of truth and wisdom lead you to be the real you each and every day? Being authentic in the world is creating and living your highest purpose. Is AUTHENTICITY something you visit from time to time or is it where you live 24/7?
Monday, November 7, 2011
Love who you are
Not judging is the essence of self-acceptance, which continues as an important theme in my own life. I see ever more clearly that if I don’t fully love and accept myself, I’m just caught in an endless cycle of seeking external validation. In relationships, through work, in blogging, in competitive activities, in spiritual endeavors, in myriad ways.
While relying on external validation sometimes works for awhile, sooner or later, it only activates a continuous loop of hope and fear, which generates suffering and discontent. But, of course, it’s difficult to disconnect from all the subtle ways we seek outer validation, isn’t it? This form of hope and fear simply is the modus operandi for many of us. It confirms our existence and keep us from experiencing that terrifying sense of groundlessness that is actually the way things are.
meditation and keeping my fait are two ways that I nourish self-acceptance. It may not be obvious, but meditation can also be a way to express compassion for ourselves when we refrain from judging what arises in our mind.
I’m also working on self-acceptance by taking responsibility for my emotions, being honest about my limitations, and clear about what’s true for me. I assure you it’s all a work in progression and not a final work of art!
And, I take some time to write a note to myself when I feel a need for encouragement and write to my God who made me absolutely unique and who made me who I am this day.He inspires me to become more the person that I am and that I should be. Grant that i may understand that He loves me,my faults and all a
nd that I may accept MYSELF even as He accepts me!!
nd that I may accept MYSELF even as He accepts me!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
when i feel good i sing
I picture something, it's beautiful
It's full of life, and it is all blue
I've seen the sunset on the beach, yeah
It makes me feel calm
When I'm calm, I feel good
It's full of life, and it is all blue
I've seen the sunset on the beach, yeah
It makes me feel calm
When I'm calm, I feel good
And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings
Come on along
I know you really wanna feel our song
We've got some life to bring
We've got some joy in this thing
I know you really wanna feel our song
We've got some life to bring
We've got some joy in this thing
I see birds fly across the sky
And everyone's heart flies together
Food is frying and people smiling
Like there is no other way to feel good
And everyone's heart flies together
Food is frying and people smiling
Like there is no other way to feel good
And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
Cos when I feel good, I sing
Of the joy it brings
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
Cos when I feel good, I sing
Of the joy it brings
Come on along
I know you really wanna feel our song
We've got some life to bring
We've got some joy in this thing
I know you really wanna feel our song
We've got some life to bring
We've got some joy in this thing
It brings me freedom
Got to get you some of that freedom
It's a freedom
Singing freedom
You deserve your freedom
It's a smile you can feel in your heart beat!!:)
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