Monday, July 30, 2012

I will let the fear pass through me

And only I will remain."
The important point of this statement is that fear comes, passes, and leaves.   It does not adhere to us unless we grab hold, hang onto, and internalize it.
Facing our fear may also involve embracing it and letting it go.  Looking it in the eye, acknowledging it, then setting it free as being something that is not solid or lasting but meant to pass through and on.
When we identify with our fears by making negative statements about ourselves, we have forgotten who we truly are.
Each of us is a precious one-of-a-kind event that is necessary for the world to move forward.  There is something that only we can do, a destiny that we create and fulfill for ourselves that impacts the whole.
We may not feel that we are worthy or entitled but that is simply a byproduct of fear and as unsubstantial. It simply is not true.
We have more impact on the lives of others and the way things play out than we can ever imagine.  We have more power than we can contemplate.  Perhaps understanding the magnitude of this is the greatest fear of all.  For then we understand that we are responsible for our own destiny and must let go of any thoughts of blaming anything outside of ourselves for who we are.
In reality, this understanding sets us free.  For though we rarely can control the situations that come to us in life or the word and actions of others, we can always control what we do with them.
Situations come to pass, they never come to stay.  And when we allow them to pass and disappear into the past like shadows, our vibrant spiritual selves remain, powerful in the present moment. That is the constant, the unchanging, in an ever changing world.
Have a great day and be good to yourself.  
You truly deserve it!

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